Course Descriptions

We offer a wide range of classes - everything from basic level training for novices to state-certified courses for Texas Concealed Handgun Licenses to NRA instructor training and advanced courses in defensive shooting, tactics and other skills. The links below will take you to detailed descriptions of our frequently offered courses. Courses listed with the prefix 'NRA' are conducted using the nationally standardized NRA lesson plans. All other courses are not NRA-approved courses, and were developed by KR Training staff and our guest instructors.

Our instructors are continually studying, training and improving our own skills. As a result, our course content is continually updated to reflect changes in laws, tactics, technology and techniques. Our goal is to provide you with locally based, reasonably priced, professional quality training.

We also host classes taught by national-level trainers such as Tom Givens (Rangemaster), Massad Ayoob, Ben Stoeger, Craig Douglas, and many more.

IMPORTANT: general policies about registration, attendance and what to bring & wear to class are here.

For prices and upcoming course dates, check the schedule page.

Can't figure out what class to take? Read our class selection guide here, or look at the list of courses in our 40 hour Defensive Pistol Skills Program.

Basic Classes

Basic Pistol 1 Gun Selection Clinic
Skill Builder


Home Defense Tactics

License To Carry

LTC / Defensive Pistol Refresher


Defensive Pistol Skills Program

Defensive Pistol Skills 2
Defensive Pistol Skills 3

Long Gun

Defensive Long Gun Essentials

Competition Series

Competition Pistol 1

Advanced Training Series

AT-4: Pistol Skills Development Team Tactics
AT-5: Tactics Laboratory Top 10 Drills
AT-5A: Low Light Level 2 NRA CCW
AT-6: Pistol Workout Historical Handgun
AT-7: More Scenarios Medicine X - Every Day Carry

Instructor Certification

NRA Basic Instructor Training and Home Firearm Safety Instructor

NRA Pistol, Personal Protection in the Home, Rifle, and Shotgun Instructor

NRA CCW Instructor

Coach Development