Schedule of Classes

TAKE OUR ONLINE TEXAS LTC COURSE! After you do the online course, schedule a private session or attend any of the in-house half day pistol courses to complete your required training for the Texas License to Carry.

2024-2025 CLASSES

March 29, 9a-3p
March 30, 9a-3p
April 5, 9a-1p
April 5, 2p-5p
April 12-16
$1225 (REGISTER)
April 13
Greig Range
Intro to Competition Pistol Rehn April 19, 9a-3p A-Zone Range $150 (REGISTER)
Defensive Pistol Skills 3 Rehn April 26, 9a-3p A-Zone Range $150 (REGISTER)
May 3, 9a-noon
May 3, 1p-3p
Defensive Pistol Small Gun Rehn May 24, 9a-noon A-Zone Range $100 (REGISTER)
June 7-8
June 21-22
July 11-12
Applied Defensive Handgun Skills Holschen September 13-14 $550 + $75 range fee (REGISTER)
October 4-5
October 9-11
October 12-13
Volunteer Church Security Team Member Shooting Skills Palisade Training October 18, 9a-5p A-Zone Range $275 (REGISTER)
Retention Distance Defensive Pistol Skills Palisade Training October 19, 9a-5p A-Zone Range $275 (REGISTER)
Force on Force Instructor Rehn October 24, 9a-6p A-Zone Range $225 (REGISTER)
October 25, 9a-1p
Tactical Scenarios Rehn October 25, 2p-6p A-Zone Range $125 (REGISTER)
October 26, 1p-5p
October 26, 6p-9p

The class you want not listed or on the current schedule?

Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to get updates on newly added classes and subscriber-only discounts on class prices.

Many of our 4 hour courses can be completed as 3 hour weekday-only private lessons. Contact us to schedule.



August 23-24 Defensive Knife Instructor - Greg Ellifritz (REGISTER)

Sept 13-14 John Holschen (REGISTER)



Many of our courses are now available in a private lesson format on weekdays. Additionally we have assistant instructors available for weekend private lessons or small group courses. Contact us for more information about this option.


Packages of multiple short courses can be combined to make 1 or 2 day programs that can be offered at your facility, including School/Church Safety, Historical Handgun, defensive and competition pistol training, NRA instructor training, Force and Force instructor training, scenario based force on force courses, and most of the courses in our catalog.



The simplest way to get your Texas License to Carry (LTC) permit is this:

1) Apply for the permit on website

2) Complete the classroom material by taking an online course.
KR Training is affiliated with the Point Blank CHL online course.
If you register for LTC with us, we will give you a discount code for the online class.

3) Attend a Basic Pistol 2, Defensive Pistol Skills 1, or other handgun course with us.
If you have registered with us for LTC training, we will run you through the LTC qualification shooting test during or after the regularly scheduled course.

4) If you are wanting to get your carry permit and you have no prior experience or training with handguns, we strongly recommend that you attend our Basic Pistol 1 class. Our Gun Selection and the NRA's Basic Pistol online courses are also recommended.

We will continue to offer occasional in-person LTC courses (check our schedule), and private weekday training is also available for both the full in-person course and the 2 hour minimum range completion training for the online course.

KR Training offers License to Carry courses from multiple instructors all over Central Texas, including the Austin, Giddings, Bastrop, and Bryan/College Station area. Some classes will be listed in our schedule, others will be offered through our affiliate instructors. Private weekday classes with Karl are also available.

Subscribe to the KR Training E-news and receive updated information as it becomes available.

Click here to register for any class.



 Copyright 2017, KR Training