Our 2013 schedule, featuring CHL and Beginner Pistol dates for all of 2013, and other class dates through April, is now online. The dates shown in the table above are only for the next 90 days. There are more dates on the full 2013 schedule.
I became a dealer for the V-Line safe product line because their products are significantly better than the low-cost "handgun box" safes sold at Walmart, Cabelas, and other big box stores. Back in July I came across this article in Forbes, showing how the cheap-o gun safes could be opened by a 3 year old. As a pre-Christmas special, V-Line offered dealers free shipping on all products in November. Anyone interested in buying any of the small V-Line safes can order it through KR Training anytime before November 30, and get the item drop-shipped direct to you with free shipping. V-Line does no direct sales, all sales have to go through dealers.
The Suburban Dad Survivalist First Annual Preparedness Conference
Saturday, January 5, 2013
10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Cabela’s, 15570 Interstate 35, Buda, TX 78610
Admission: $25 in advance, $35 at the door
Need some guidance on how to jump start your preparedness plan? Is getting better prepared for emergencies one of your new year’s resolutions?
This conference will feature a number of knowledgeable speakers aimed at providing guidance to the typical urban or suburban resident who wants to become better prepared for a challenging world. Some of the subjects covered include:
- Creating a food storage plan
- Explaining strategies in how to invest in gold and silver coins
- Choosing the right types of guns and ammunition to protect your family
- Setting up a viable alternative energy plan for emergency use
- Previewing the new preparedness products on the market
And much more –
To reserve your spot in this conference, click here.
For questions, contact us at 512-267-4817 or [email protected].
KR Training is a sponsor of this event. I will be doing the presentation on firearms and ammunition.
The Brazosland Pistoleros club and Gunsmoke range, in Bryan/College Station, will be hosting a Scholastic Pistol match on February 2nd. The match will use Scholastic Steel Challenge format stages. There are 3 divisions: junior (12-16), senior (17-20), and collegiate (must be a college student). Over the past year, KR Training has been supporting and coaching the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets Marksmanship Team. The team placed 2nd in the last major Scholastic Pistol match of 2012.
I would like to field a 4 person KR Training team (or two or three) at the match. There will be rimfire and centerfire divisions. We will have a pre-match practice day at the A-Zone on Saturday, January 26th where we will have the stages set up. We have a number of loaner guns suitable for the match (must be .22 rimfire or 9mm striker fired). Team members would be responsible for their own ammo and match fees. Anyone interested in this opportunity, contact me.
I will be offering 3 days of NRA instructor training January 19, 20 and 21, 2013.
Why should you become an NRA certified instructor? If you are already teaching or coaching friends and family, the courses will teach you how to do it better, and give you structured lesson plans and discounts on NRA materials. Anyone assisting Boy Scouts with any of their shooting events has to be NRA certified as well. If there's interest I will add sessions of Rifle and Shotgun instructor the last week of January, for those already certified in Pistol that want to add those ratings.
If you are teaching CHL, getting NRA certified adds to your credentials and gives you lesson plans you can use to teach pre-CHL classes to help beginners. If you are interested in assisting with KR Training courses, we require all assistants to be NRA certified.
Saturday January 19, $150. NRA Basic Instructor Training and Home Firearm Safety Instructor
Sunday January 20, $125. NRA Pistol Instructor Training. Must attend the Saturday class to attend the Sunday class.
Monday January 21, $100. NRA Personal Protection In the Home Instructor Training. Must attend Sat/Sun classes as pre-req.
Attendees can also get certified as NRA Range Safety Officers by home study following completion of the course.
Anyone planning to attend these classes has to be registered by Dec 20th so I can order materials from NRA for you.
- Trainer Sonny Puzikas unintentionally shot another instructor while running a live fire drill in a "dark" shoot house at a Texas range, without a flashlight or weapon mounted light. The injured instructor was hit 3 times and is expected to survive. Details here. Lessons to learn? (1) Identify your target and what is beyond - in all situations. (2) If you are the instructor, your gunhandling and conduct on the range should meet the same standards you expect of students. (3) If you are a student, safety is your responsibility too. Say something, or if necessary do something. Hurt feelings heal faster than gunshot wounds.
- South Carolina deputy shoots knife-wielding assailant. "Step, draw and shoot" should be a familiar tactic to graduates of our Defensive Pistol class.
- Man robs Church's Chicken with Samurai Sword
- Scott Springer now makes a low profile XD slide lock that solves the problem of a "high thumb" grip (the grip we teach) preventing the slide from locking back on the last round
- What is cover in your home, and will it stop a rifle round?
- Great summary of essential tactics concepts, from the Down Range blog
- Texas AG's office issues a ruling with clarification of employee "parking lot" gun law (good news for gun owners, bad news for businesses trying to deny armed citizens the right to have guns in their cars)
- S&W introduces new M&P models set up for slide-mounted red dot sights
- 2013 "A Girl and a Gun" national conference to be held at T.I.G.E.R. Valley (Waco), sponsored by S&W. "A Girl and a Gun" is a national organization founded by Austin trainer and competitor Julianna Crowder
John "Hsoi" Daub blog highlights
- Epitomizing The Warrior Ethos
- Let us learn from his mistakes
- Car Jacking
- Lessons we can learn from dash-cam footage
- New gun shop in South Austin
- It's how you use your time
- You really need to play it out - beforehand
- Violent crime levels are up...but they're down
- Good for her
If you want to get the blog links and other news items more often, "like" our KR Training page on Facebook. I post a few items each day, as I find the interesting links that I compile here. We also have a Twitter feed you can follow that echoes the KR Training Facebook posts. You can also ask questions and comment on classes.
See you at the range!
Karl, Penny and the KR Training crew