First of all - thanks to everyone that filled up our January and February classes! Even though I haven't sent out a newsletter since November, almost everything we offered in January and February sold out. Many on our instructor team and other local instructors are now certified to teach the new NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home (PPOTH) course. We were pleased to find that most of the content of the 14-hour PPOTH class is covered in our existing courses (CHL, DPS1, DPS2, Low Light Shooting).
If you've taken Basic Pistol 1, have never taken a formal pistol skills class, want a technique tune-up or are getting ready to take the CHL new permit course, our Basic Pistol 2 class is for you! It's coming up March 12th, from 9-12.
Want to learn how to do a security assessment of your home, learn "building search" skills and practice low light tactics? Another session of Home Defense Tactics is scheduled for April 6, in a student home in Buda. If you host a Home Defense Tactics course, you get the class for free. Class size is limited to 8 students.
If you've taken Defensive Pistol Skills 1, all of these courses are great follow-on training:
- Defensive Pistol Skills 2 (April 9th) reviews the drills from Defensive Pistol Skills 1, and adds more complexity, more stress and more realism, including shooting from cover, reloading, and malfunction clearing.
- Beyond the Basics: Handgun (April 16th, 9-1) is an intermediate/advanced level technique class intended to improve students' speed and accuracy on multiple targets, particularly multiple targets at different distances. Shooting IPSC or IDPA matches and want to go faster and shoot more A's and 0s? This class will show you how! The course description includes the answer to the FAQ "what's the difference between the Defensive Pistol Skills courses and Beyond the Basics?"
- Advanced Training 4: Pistol Skills Development (April 16th 2-6) teaches shooting on the move and includes many drills to improve your defensive handgun and competition shooting skills
- Personal Tactics Skills (May 7th) is a scenario-based class that teaches the skills you can't learn shooting inanimate targets - how to communicate, read pre-fight cues, think on your feet, and make critical shoot/no-shoot decisions. This type of training should be essential for any armed citizen. If you study typical situations involving armed citizens, you'll find that they make more tactics errors than shooting errors - yet most armed citizens believe that the only training they need is live fire target shooting.
The May 7th classes - Defensive Pistol Skills 1 and Personal Tactics Skills are scheduled on the same day so students can take both back to back and get a mix of live fire and scenario based training in one day, in a single-day version of our older AT weekend class.
Martial Blade Concepts instructor Chuck Rives and nationally known custom knife maker Allen Elishewitz will offer a one day defensive knife course on March 27. Why learn knife skills if you carry a gun? There are many situations in which laws, employers and other factors make it difficult or impossible to carry a firearm, and in extreme close quarters situations a knife may be a faster, more effective solution than a firearm. This one day course is suitable for those with no prior martial arts or knife training.
Tom and Lynn Givens of Rangemaster return in May to offer a Ladies Only Pistol Course (co-taught by Penny Riggs) and a one day Defensive Shotgun class. The Ladies Only Pistol Course will cover material similar to our Basic Pistol 2 and Defensive Pistol Skills courses. If you plan to attend please enroll through the KR Training site.
On the agenda: campus carry, shooting range protection, and a bill to force employers to allow employees to have guns in their cars at work.
Texas State Rifle Association is looking for people willing to testify at committee hearings on these issues, particularly those that don't fit the traditional "gun owner" stereotype. Contact me and I can forward your information to TSRA.
NRA Shotgun Instructor Course - offered by Capitol Area Council (Boy Scouts), March 5 & 6
Hunter Education Instructor Classes scheduled - Texas Parks and Wildlife website, or contact "retaxlady at" for local details.
Federal recalls some lots of .45 ACP ammo - from Hsoi's blog
Bryan IPSC Club Brazosland Pistoleros moves their matches to the Fayette County Gun Club. 4th Sundays starting Feb 27.
March 12th - American Action Shooting Championship in San Antonio $50 entry
"Violence is Golden" - thoughts on the role of violence in an ordered, civil society
Wounding factors - from Hsoi's blog
Why you need to take scenario-based training - from Jay's blog
Upgrades available from SIG for 226 and 229 pistols - get the new slimmer grip and short reset trigger for $150 - from Gun Nuts Media
Why you should number all your magazines - from Cheaper Than Dirt blog
The press-out explained - from Gun Nuts Media. This skill is the same as our "ready to target" drill, which is important for the Texas CHL test, drawing from concealment, and getting back on target after a reload, moving or clearing a malfunction. In other words, it's a really important skill.
Rangemaster December 2010 newsletter - including an article about shooting through automobile glass.
The Purse Project - from Shelley at Gun Nuts Media. Her list of essential items for her purse.
Austin man foils daytime burglary - from Hsoi's blog.
IDPA rules explained in 2.5 minutes - from Gun Nuts Media
Houston jewelry store owner wins 3 vs. 1 gunfight - from the Houston Chronicle
Negligent discharge during XDM disassembly - from Warning: includes graphic photo of gunshot wound in hand
It's not over till its over - from Jay's blog. After action analysis of a gunfight where 9 rounds of .45 ACP Gold Dot failed to stop the attacker.
Differences between training and real fighting - from Hsoi's blog
Texas House committee on Public Safety interim report on CHL - many details about the CHL program, recommended reading for all CHL instructors
Utah moving to limit non-resident Utah licenses - New law would require Utah permit applicants to have a license in their home state to apply for Utah permit
Rangemaster February 2011 newsletter - includes an article on hand exercises to improve shooting skill
Video from a 3-gun match at Best of the West, featuring an RO wearing a KR Training shirt
Night matches held at Best of the West have been canceled until further notice, due to noise complaints from neighbors. Video from one of the night matches and video from the recent 2-gun match - from Nathan
National Shooting Sports Foundation has new online gun safety videos teaching gun safety to children (K-6 grade, and 6-9th grade)
20-minute interview with Deputy Brandon Moore - shot 4 times with a rifle during a gunfight. He lived. His attacker did not.
The Cawthorn Cartridge Club facility between College Station and Houston will be hosting some traveling instructors this year, including Southnarc (ECQC) and Larry Vickers (1911 pistolsmithing class)
More proof that "conventional wisdom" about rifle over-penetration and shotgun under-penetration on walls is wrong - from Hsoi's blog
The "Teacup Hollywood Weaver" stance defined - from Gun Nuts Media. As seen on TV.
Pistol packing pastor foils robbery - from 'BluTube' police video site
The Polite Society Conference is hands-down the BEST training value available in the US. Dozens of trainers, hundreds of shooters, right up the road at the excellent US Shooting Academy facility in Tulsa. Last year's event had a record number of KR Training graduates present. Completion of Defensive Pistol Skills or other training that involves drawing from concealment strongly recommended for attendees.
Annual Rangemaster/Polite Society Tactical Conference, 2011
Saturday-Sunday, May 14-15, 2011, at the United States Shooting Academy (USSA) Tulsa, Oklahoma
Registration fee is $229.00. This includes all of the training segments, the tactical match, the side match, and the prize drawing.
The trainers present for 2010 will be returning, plus we will have some new trainers presenting topics. We will be expanding to take advantage of USSA's sprawling range complex, and there will be 21 instructors presenting various live-fire, hands on, and classroom training segments. This event will fill completely two to three months in advance, so sign up early to avoid disappointment. Trainers this year include John Farnam, Massad Ayoob, Tom Givens, Paul Gomez, Mike Brown, Southnarc, Will Andrews, and many more.
You MAY NOT register for this event by phone. The only way to register is to print and complete a registration form and print and complete the USSA liability waiver, and send these to Rangemaster, along with payment. Send your request for a registration packet to [email protected] .
Mail-in registration may be accompanied by a personal or company check, a money order, or credit/debit card information. FAX registrations can be accepted with credit/debit card info. The fax number is 901-370-5699.
Mail entries to Rangemaster
2611 S. Mendenhall Rd
Memphis, TN, 38115.
Registered attendees will receive a detailed equipment list, list of trainers and their topics, and other information prior to the event date.