Advanced Training 6: Pistol Workout
Course Description: An intensive shooting course intended as a comprehensive practice session covering the full spectrum of handgun skills required for defensive and competition pistol shooting. Each drill will be scored on points and time. This course is intended to provide students a way to evaluate their skills and practice many of the drills that are difficult to practice at commercial ranges. This course has no lecture component and students are expected to have experience with all the topics listed below. The course is intended as fast paced review and evaluation, not as a course teaching new skills.
Topics: group shooting at 7-25 yards, presentation from holstered and ready positions, multiple shots/single target, multiple targets, targets at varying ranges, one handed shooting (left and right hand), reloads, shooting on the move, shooting from kneeling and prone, shooting from cover, drawing and shooting from seated positions, and more.
Length: three hours
For prices and upcoming course dates, check the schedule page.
Prerequisites: Completion of AT-1, AT-4 or similar course, or IPSC/IDPA match experience, or instructor approval required.
Required Equipment: A centerfire handgun, belt holster, a minimum of 2 spare magazines or speedloaders, magazine/speedloader carriers, eye and ear protection, a baseball cap (to deflect spent brass and keep the sun out of your eyes) and a minimum of 400 rounds of ammunition.
Optional Equipment: See the general policies page for suggestions on food, drink, clothing, etc.
Taught by: Karl Rehn
Facility: A-Zone Range
Additional information:
Class After Action Reports: