Skill Builder Program (Long Gun)
Course Description: A two hour guided practice session, open to any shooter at any level, intended to improve shooter skill.
Topics: Techniques for eliminating trigger jerk and minimizing time between shots on single and multiple targets. Techniques to increase speed transitioning between targets. Techniques for increasing speed getting the long gun from various ready positions (muzzle up, muzzle down) to target quickly.
Length: 2 hours
For prices and upcoming course dates, check the schedule page.
Prerequisites: Prior formal training from KR Training, or any certified instructor.
Required Equipment: Semi-auto, pump or lever action centerfire rifle, .22 rifle, or pistol caliber carbine that has a capacity of 10 rounds or more. Iron sights or optics. 150 rounds of ammunition. Eye and ear protection.
Optional Equipment: some way to carry extra ammo or spare magazines
See the general policies page for suggestions on food, drink, clothing, etc.
Taught by: KR Training staff
Facility: A-Zone Range
Additional information: Any shooter at any level can attend Skill Builder sessions.
These sessions will be shooting only, no lecture. Limit of 10 students per session.
Class After Action Reports: